Documentation for the code

lietools (package)

lietools (module)

The module lietools contains functions concerning different types of Lie-derivatives. It is based upon the sympy package for symbolic computation, especially the class sympy.Matrix.

lietools.lietools.jac(expr, *args)

Calculates the Jacobian matrix (derivative of a vectorial function) using the jacobian() function from the module sympy.matrices.matrices.MatrixBase.

Advantage: direct derivation of functions

Jacobian matrix:

J_f(a) :=  \left(\begin{matrix}
            \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial x_1}(a) &
            \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial x_2}(a) &
            \ldots &
            \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial x_n}(a)\\
            \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
            \frac{\partial f_m}{\partial x_1}(a) &
            \frac{\partial f_m}{\partial x_2}(a) & \ldots &
            \frac{\partial f_m}{\partial x_n}(a)


  • expr : expression to derive
    function / row matrix/ column matrix
  • args : coordinates
    separate or as list-like object


  • returns : Jacobi matrix
  • type : sympy.Matrix


>>> import sympy
>>> x1,x2,x3 = sympy.symbols('x1 x2 x3')
>>> jac(x1**2+2*x2+x3, x1, x2, x3)
Matrix([[2*x1, 2, 1]])

See also


lietools.lietools.lie_deriv(sf, vf, x, n=1)

Calculates the Lie derivative of a scalar field \lambda(x) along a vector field f(x) (e.g. [Isidori]):

L_f\lambda(x)   = \frac{ \partial{\lambda(x)} }{ \partial{x} }f(x)
                = grad^{T}\lambda(x)\cdot f(x)

with L_f^n\lambda(x)=\frac{ \partial{L_f^{n-1}\lambda(x)} }
{ \partial{x} }f(x) and L_f^{0}\lambda(x) := \lambda(x)


  • sf : scalar field to be derived
  • vf : vector field to derive along
  • x : coordinates for derivation
  • n : number of derivations
    non-negative integer


  • returns : scalar field
  • type : function


>>> import sympy
>>> x1,x2,x3 = sympy.symbols('x1 x2 x3')
>>> h = x1**2 + 2*x2 + x3
>>> f = sympy.Matrix([x1*x2, x3, x2])
>>> x = [x1, x2, x3]
>>> lie_deriv(h, f, x, n=1)
2*x1**2*x2 + x2 + 2*x3

See also

lie_bracket(), lie_deriv_covf()

lietools.lietools.lie_bracket(f, g, *args, **kwargs)

Calculates the Lie bracket for the vector field g(x) along the vector field f(x) (e.g. [Isidori]):

[f,g] = \frac{ \partial{g(x)} }{ \partial{x} }f(x)
        - \frac{ \partial{f(x)} }{ \partial{x} }g(x)
      = ad_fg(x)

with \quadad_f^ng(x) = [f, ad_f^{n-1}g](x) \quad and \quad ad_f^0g(x) := g(x)


  • f : vector field (direction for derivation)
    Matrix (shape: (n, 1)) / iterable
  • g : vector field to be derived
    Matrix (shape: (n, 1)) / iterable
  • args : coordinates
    separate scalar symbols or as iterable

Keyword Arguments

  • n : number of derivations
    non-negative integer (default = 1)


  • AssertionError : non-matching shapes of f, g, args


  • returns : vector field
  • type : Matrix


>>> import sympy
>>> x1,x2,x3 = sympy.symbols('x1 x2 x3')
>>> g = [2*x2, x1**2, 2*x3]
>>> f = [x1*x2, x3, x2]
>>> lie_bracket(g, f, x1, x2, x3, n=1)
[x1**3 + 2*x2**2 - 2*x3],
[    -2*x1**2*x2 + 2*x3],
[          x1**2 - 2*x2]])

See also

lie_deriv(), lie_deriv_covf()

lietools.lietools.lie_deriv_covf(w, f, *args, **kwargs)

Calculates the Lie derivative of the covector field \omega(x) along the vector field f(x) (e.g. [Isidori]):

L_f\omega(x) = f^T(x) \left( \frac{ \partial{\omega^T(x)} }
        { \partial{x} } \right)^{T} + \omega(x)
        \frac{ \partial{f(x)} }
        { \partial{x} }


L_f^n\omega(x) = f^T(x) \left( \frac{ \partial{(L_f^{n-1}\omega)^T(x)} }
        { \partial{x} } \right)^{T} + (L_f^{n-1}\omega)(x)
        \frac{ \partial{f(x)} }
        { \partial{x} }

and \quad L_f^0\omega(x) := \omega(x)

Includes the option to omit the transposition of \quad \frac{ \partial{\omega^T(x)} }{ \partial{x} } \quad with transpose_jac = False:

L_f\omega(x) = f^T(x) \left( \frac{ \partial{\omega^T(x)} }
        { \partial{x} } \right) + \omega(x)\frac{ \partial{f(x)} }
        { \partial{x} }


  • w : covector field to be derived
    Matrix of shape (1,n)
  • f : vector field (direction of derivation)
    Matrix of shape (n,1)
  • args : coordinates
    separate or as list-like object

Keyword Arguments

  • n : number of derivations

    non-negative integer (default = 1)

  • transpose_jac : transposition of \frac{ \partial{\omega^T(x)} }{ \partial{x} }

    boolean (default = True)(Background: needed for some special applications)


  • AssertionError : non-matching shapes of w, f, args


  • returns : covector field
  • type : sympy.Matrix


>>> import sympy
>>> x1,x2,x3 = sympy.symbols('x1 x2 x3')
>>> w = sympy.Matrix([[2*x2, x1**2, 2*x3]])
>>> f = sympy.Matrix([x1, x2, x3])
>>> lie_deriv_covf(w, f, x1, x2, x3, n=1)
Matrix([[4*x2, 3*x1**2, 4*x3]])

See also

lie_deriv(), lie_bracket()



The module linearcontrol contains functions concerning linear control algorithms.

linearcontrol.linearcontrol.cont_mat(A, B)

Kallmanns controlability matrix

linearcontrol.linearcontrol.is_left_coprime(Ap, Bp=None, eps=1e-10)

Test ob Ap,Bp Linksteilerfrei sind keine Parameter zulässig

linearcontrol.linearcontrol.linear_input_trafo(B, row_idcs)

serves to decouple inputs from each other


The module robust_poleplacement contains functions to calculate a robust control matrix for multiple input systems.

linearcontrol.robust_poleplacement.exchange_all_cols(V, P_list)

For every column in V: Calculates the 1-dimensional basis of the annihilator (:= a_j) of all the other columns in V and projects a_j to its correspondent space out of P_list.

Then in V: replaces v_j with the new normalized projected vector v_{j,projected}.

See also



  • V : matrix of eigenvectors V = (v_1,..., v_n)


  • P_list : list of spaces (S_{\mathrm{h}})_i for i \in (1,...,n)



  • returns : new eigenvector matrix V
  • type : sympy.Matrix
linearcontrol.robust_poleplacement.full_qr(A, only_null_space=False)

Performs the QR numpy decomposition and augments the reduced orthonormal matrix Q_{red} by its transposed null space \mathrm{null}(Q_{red})^T (such that Q is quadratic and regular).

Q = \left(\begin{matrix} 
        Q_{red} &


  • A : matrix to be QR decomposed

Keyword Arguments

  • only_null_space : only the null space of Q_{red} will be returned

    boolean (default = False)


  • returns : Q (quadratic & regular)
  • type : sympy.Matrix
  • returns : r (upper triangular matrix)
  • type : sympy.Matrix
linearcontrol.robust_poleplacement.opt_place_MI(A, B, *eigenvals, **kwargs)

Calculates and returns the optimal control matrix B_K for the new system matrix (A + BB_K) of the closed loop system by the algorithm described in [Reinschke14].


  • A : state matrix of the open loop
  • B : input matrix
  • eigenvals : desired eigenvalues for the closed loop system
    separate or as list-like object

Keyword Arguments

  • rtol : relative tolerance of the change in the last iteration step of the

    resulting determinant of the eigenvector matrix

    real number (default = 0.01)


  • returns : B_K
  • type : sympy.Matrix

Gets a n,n-matrix M which is assumed to have rank n-1 and returns a “column” v with v^T M = 0 and v^T v = 1.


  • M : matrix of vectors with rank n-1


  • returns : orthogonal complement for columns of M
  • type : numpy.array (1d)



The module trajectories contains functions concerning the construction of system trajectories.

trajectories.trajectories.integrate_pw(fnc, var, transpoints)

due to a bug in sympy we must correct the offset in the integral to make the result continious

trajectories.trajectories.make_pw(var, transpoints, fncs)


The auxfuncs package math contains mathematical auxiliary functions for pycontroltools categorized in the modules concerning:

  • differential operators
  • LaPlace
  • matrices
  • miscellaneous
  • numerical tools
  • polynomial helpfunctions
  • Taylor


The module diffoperators contains functions concerning differential Operators.

auxfuncs.math.diffoperators.div(vf, x)

divergence of a vector field

auxfuncs.math.diffoperators.gradient(scalar_field, xx)

# returns a row vector (coverctorfiel)!

auxfuncs.math.diffoperators.hoderiv(f, x, N=2)

computes a H igher O rder derivative of the vectorfield f

Result is a tensor of type (N,0)

or a n x L x ... x L (N times) hyper Matrix

(represented a (N+1)-dimensional numpy array


The module laplace contains functions concerning LaPlace.

auxfuncs.math.laplace.do_laplace_deriv(laplace_expr, s, t)

Example: laplace_expr = s*(t**3+7*t**2-2*t+4) returns: 3*t**2 +14*t - 2


The module matrix contains functions concerning operations on matrices.

auxfuncs.math.matrix.all_k_minors(M, k, **kwargs)

returns all minors of order k of M

Note that if k == M.shape[0]

this computes all “column-minors”


sympy sometimes converts matrices to immutable objects this can be reverted by a call to .as_mutable() this function provides access to that call as a function (just for cleaner syntax)

auxfuncs.math.matrix.cancel_rows_cols(M, rows, cols)

cancel rows and cols form a matrix

rows ... rows to be canceled cols ... cols to be canceled

auxfuncs.math.matrix.col_degree(col, symb)
auxfuncs.math.matrix.col_minor(A, *cols, **kwargs)

returns the minor (determinant) of the columns in cols

auxfuncs.math.matrix.col_select(A, *cols)

selects some columns from a matrix


takes some col vectors and aggregetes them to a matrix


takes some col vectors and aggregetes them to a matrix


takes some row (hyper-)vectors and aggregetes them to a matrix

auxfuncs.math.matrix.elementwise_mul(M1, M2)

performs elment wise multiplication of matrices


ensures that we handle a mutable matrix (iff arg is a matrix)


sp.expand currently has no matrix support

auxfuncs.math.matrix.general_minor(A, rows, cols, **kwargs)

selects some rows and some cols of A and returns the det of the resulting Matrix


maps (m_ij != 0) to every element

auxfuncs.math.matrix.get_col_reduced_right(A, symb, T=None, return_internals=False)

Takes a polynomial matrix A(s) and returns a unimod Transformation T(s) such that A(s)*T(s) (i.e. right multiplication) is col_reduced.

Approach is taken from appendix of the PHD-Thesis of S. O. Lindert (2009)

Args:A: Matrix s: symbol T: unimod-Matrix from preceeding steps

-> recursive approach

Returns:Ar: reduced Matrix T: unimodular transformation Matrix

returns a list of n x 1 vectors

auxfuncs.math.matrix.is_col_reduced(A, symb, return_internals=False)

tests whether polynomial Matrix A is column-reduced

optionally returns internal variables:
the list of col-wise max degrees the matrix with the col.-wise-highest coeffs (Gamma)

Note: concept of column-reduced matrix is important e.g. for solving a Polynomial System w.r.t. highest order “derivative”

Note: every matrix can be made col-reduced by unimodular transformation

auxfuncs.math.matrix.is_row_reduced(A, symb, *args, **kwargs)

transposed Version of is_col_reduced(...)

auxfuncs.math.matrix.matrix_atoms(M, *args, **kwargs)
auxfuncs.math.matrix.matrix_count_ops(M, visual=False)
auxfuncs.math.matrix.matrix_degrees(A, symb)
auxfuncs.math.matrix.matrix_random_equaltest(M1, M2, info=False, **kwargs)
auxfuncs.math.matrix.matrix_series(m, xx, order, poly=False)

substitute every symbol in M with a random number

this might be usefull to determine the generic rank of a matrix

auxfuncs.math.matrix.mdiff(M, var)

returns the elementwise derivative of a matrix M w.r.t. var


sp.ratsimp currently has no matrix support

auxfuncs.math.matrix.row_col_select(A, rows, cols)

selects some rows and some cols of A and returns the resulting Matrix


takes some row (hyper-)vectors and aggregetes them to a matrix


sp.simplify currently has no matrix support

auxfuncs.math.matrix.symbMatrix(n, m, s='a', symmetric=0)

converts a b b c

to [a, b, c]

erstellt ein dict, was aus einer beliebigen Matrix M mittels M.subs(..) eine symmetrische Matrix macht

auxfuncs.math.matrix.trigsimp(arg, **kwargs)

sp.trigsimp currently has no matrix support

auxfuncs.math.matrix.unimod_completion(col, symb)

takes a column and completes it such that the result is unimodular


converts [a, b, c]

to a b
b c


The module miscmath contains miscellaneous mathematical functions for pycontroltools.

class auxfuncs.math.miscmath.equation(lhs, rhs=0)

#chris: Klasse equation erstellt Gleichungs-Objekte mittles sympify mit Attributen für Lefthandside (lhs) und Righthandside (rhs) der Gleichung


handles only homogeneous eqns

M Matrix

returns two lists: indices_of_rows, indices_of_cols

auxfuncs.math.miscmath.fractionfromfloat(x_, maxden=1000)

fraction from float args:

x maxdenominator (default = 1000)
auxfuncs.math.miscmath.get_coeff_row(eq, vars)

takes one equation object and returns the corresponding row of the system matrix

auxfuncs.math.miscmath.jac(expr, *args)

Calculates the Jacobian matrix (derivative of a vectorial function) using the jacobian() function from the module sympy.matrices.matrices.MatrixBase.

Advantage: direct derivation of functions

Jacobian matrix:

J_f(a) :=  \left(\begin{matrix} 
            \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial x_1}(a) &
            \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial x_2}(a) &
            \ldots &
            \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial x_n}(a)\\
            \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
            \frac{\partial f_m}{\partial x_1}(a) &
            \frac{\partial f_m}{\partial x_2}(a) & \ldots &
            \frac{\partial f_m}{\partial x_n}(a)


  • expr : expression to derive
    function / row matrix/ column matrix
  • args : coordinates
    separate or as list-like object


  • returns : Jacobi matrix
  • type : sympy.Matrix


>>> import sympy
>>> x1,x2,x3 = sympy.symbols('x1 x2 x3')
>>> jac(x1**2+2*x2+x3, x1, x2, x3)
Matrix([[2*x1, 2, 1]])

See also



takes a list of equations and tries to solve wrt. to all ocurring symbols

auxfuncs.math.miscmath.lin_solve_eqns(eqns, vars)

takes a list of equation objects creates a system matrix of and calls sp.solve

auxfuncs.math.miscmath.lin_solve_eqns_jac(eqns, vars)

takes a list of equation objects creates a system matrix of and calls sp.solve

# new version !! # should replace lin_solve_eqns

# assumes that eqns is a list of expressions where rhs = 0

auxfuncs.math.miscmath.make_eqns(v1, v2=None)

#chris: mehrere lhs,rhs übergeben und daraus Gleichungen erstellen

auxfuncs.math.miscmath.multi_series(expr, xx, order, poly=False)

Reihenentwicklung (um 0) eines Ausdrucks in mehreren Variablen

auxfuncs.math.miscmath.rat_if_close(x, tol=1e-10)
auxfuncs.math.miscmath.rationalize_expression(expr, tol=1e-10)

substitutes real numbers occuring in expr which are closer than tol to a rational with a sufficiently small denominator with these rationals

usefull special case 1.2346294e-15 -> 0

auxfuncs.math.miscmath.sp_fff(x, maxden)

sympy_fraction from float #chris: nimmt anscheinend Objekte vom Typ fractions.Fraction

(Fraction(133, 10)) und stellt sie als Bruch dar (133/10)
auxfuncs.math.miscmath.symbs_to_func(expr, symbs, arg)

in expr replace x by x(arg) where x is any element of symbs


sin**2 + cos**2 = 1 in big expressions

auxfuncs.math.miscmath.uv(n, i)

unit vectors (columns)


The module numtools contains numerical tools.

auxfuncs.math.numtools.chop(expr, tol=1e-10)

suppress small numerical values

auxfuncs.math.numtools.clean_numbers(expr, eps=1e-10)

trys to clean all numbers from numeric noise

auxfuncs.math.numtools.cont_continuation(x, stephight, threshold)

continuous continuation (for 1d-arrays)

x .... data

stephight ... the expected stephight (e.g 2*pi)

threshold .... smallest difference which is considered as a discontinuity

which has to be corrected (must be greater than the Lipschitz-Const. of the signal

times dt)
auxfuncs.math.numtools.dd(a, b, c, ...) =,,, ...)))
auxfuncs.math.numtools.extrema(x, max=True, min=True, strict=False, withend=False)

This function will index the extrema of a given array x.

max If true, will index maxima min If true, will index minima strict If true, will not index changes to zero gradient withend If true, always include x[0] and x[-1]

This function will return a tuple of extrema indexies and values

auxfuncs.math.numtools.np_trunc_small_values(arr, lim=1e-10)
auxfuncs.math.numtools.null(A, eps=1e-10)

null-space of a Matrix or 2d-array

auxfuncs.math.numtools.pyc2d(a, b, Ts)

Algorithmus kopiert von Roberto Bucher

Begründung: man erweitert den Zustand xneu = (x,u) und sagt u_dot = 0 (weil u=konst.) Für das neue System bekommt man die zusammengestzte Matrix und pflückt sie hinterher wieder auseinander.

auxfuncs.math.numtools.random_equaltest(exp1, exp2, info=False, integer=False, seed=None, tol=1e-14, min=-1, max=1)

serves to check numerically (with random numbers) whether exp1, epx2 are equal # TODO: unit test

auxfuncs.math.numtools.to_np(arr, dtype=<type 'float'>)

converts a sympy matrix in a nice numpy array

auxfuncs.math.numtools.zero_crossing_simulation(rhs, zcf, z0, t_values)

scipy.odeint does not provide a zero crossing function naive (and slow) approach

rhs: rhs function zcf: the function whose zerocrossing shall be detected

takes the state (shape =(n,m) returns shape=n

z0: initial state t_values: time values (up to which the zc event is suspected)


The module polynomial contains functions concerning the construction of polynomials.

auxfuncs.math.polynomial.coeffs(expr, var=None)

if var == None, assumes that there is only one variable in expr

auxfuncs.math.polynomial.condition_poly(var, *conditions)

# this function is intended to be a generalization of trans_poly

returns a polynomial y(t) that fullfills given conditions

every condition is a tuple of the following form:

(t1, y1, *derivs) # derivs contains cn derivatives

every derivative (to the highest specified [in each condition]) must be given


returns a function for getting the polynomial degree of an expr. w.r.t. a certain symbol

auxfuncs.math.polynomial.get_order_coeff_from_expr(expr, symb, order)
3*s**2 -4*s + 5, s, 3 -> 0 3*s**2 -4*s + 5, s, 2 -> 3 3*s**2 -4*s + 5, s, 1 -> -4 3*s**2 -4*s + 5, s, 9 -> 0
auxfuncs.math.polynomial.poly_coeffs(expr, var=None)

returns all (monovariate)-poly-coeffs (including 0s) as a list first element is highest coeff.

auxfuncs.math.polynomial.poly_degree(expr, var=None)

returns degree of monovariable polynomial

auxfuncs.math.polynomial.poly_scalar_field(xx, symbgen, order, poly=False)

returns a multivariate poly with specified oders and symbolic coeffs returns also a list of the coefficients

auxfuncs.math.polynomial.trans_poly(var, cn, left, right)

returns a polynomial y(t) that is cn times continous differentiable

left and right are sequences of conditions for the boundaries

left = (t1, y1, *derivs) # derivs contains cn derivatives

auxfuncs.math.polynomial.zeros_to_coeffs(*z_list, **kwargs)

calculates the coeffs corresponding to a poly with provided zeros


The module taylor contains functions concerning the construction of Taylor polynomials.

auxfuncs.math.taylor.multi_taylor(expr, args, x0=None, order=1)

compute a multivariate taylor polynomial of a scalar function

default: linearization about 0 (all args)

auxfuncs.math.taylor.multi_taylor_matrix(M, args, x0=None, order=1)

applies multi_taylor to each element

auxfuncs.math.taylor.series(expr, var, order)

taylor expansion at zero (without O(.) )


The helpfunctions package programming contains helpfunctions for pycontroltools concerning programming issues.


The module miscprog contains miscellaneous functions concerning programming in pycontroltools.

auxfuncs.programming.miscprog.atoms(expr, *args, **kwargs)

checks whether arg is iterable. if not return (arg,)

auxfuncs.programming.miscprog.expr_to_func(args, expr, modules='numpy', **kwargs)

wrapper for sympy.lambdify to handle constant expressions (shall return a numpyfied function as well)

this function bypasses the following problem:

f1 = sp.lambdify(t, 5*t, modules = “numpy”) f2 = sp.lambdify(t, 0*t, modules = “numpy”)

f1(np.arange(5)).shape # -> array f2(np.arange(5)).shape # -> int

Some special kwargs: np_wrapper == True:

the return-value of the resulting function is passed through to_np(..) before returning
auxfuncs.programming.miscprog.get_diffterms(xx, order)

returns a list such as

[(x1, x1), (x1, x2), (x1, x3), (x2, x2), (x2, x3), (x3, x3)]

for xx = (x1, x2, x3) and order = 2

auxfuncs.programming.miscprog.get_expr_var(expr, var=None)

auxillary function if var == None returns the unique symbol which is contained in expr: if no symbol is found, returns None


injects the symbolic variables of a collection to the global namespace usefull for interactive sessions


injects the symbolic variables of a collection to the global namespace usefull for interactive sessions

auxfuncs.programming.miscprog.prev(expr, **kwargs)

sympy preview abbreviation


takes a sorted dict, simplifies each value and adds all up

auxfuncs.programming.miscprog.subs_same_symbs(x+y[, x, y])

returns x+y, where the symbols are taken from the list (symbs in exp might be different objects with the same name)

this functions helps if expr comes from a string

auxfuncs.programming.miscprog.trig_term_poly(expr, s)

s ... the argument of sin, cos


helper function for substituting. takes (x1, x2, x3, ...) returns [(x1, 0), (x2, 0), ...]

auxfuncs.programming.miscprog.zip0(xx, arg=0)

handy for subtituting equilibrium points